
Orjinalini görmek için tıklayınız: Trailer ağırlıkları değişti / Each trailer has different weight
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Arkadaslar, /See below for English
Ozellikle A sinifi kamyonlarla nakliyat yaparken asiri hizli gitmeleri bana keyif vermiyordu. Trailer sayisi GTS'de arttirilmisti ama tasidiklari yukler kamyon performansini degistirmiyordu. Bende bu sorunu (kendime gore bunu cozulmesi gereken bir problem kabul ettim) halletmek icin ilgili dosya uzerinde kisa bir calisma yaptim. Agirliklari yeniden duzenledim. Her trailer'in kendi agirligi oldu. Daha gercekci oldu.
Buna gore;
En agir trailer flat bed oldu. Cunku uzerinde kamyon, dozer hatta tank olan ek modlar oldugundan boyle olmasi gerekir diye dusundum. Sonra sirasiyla overweight, Container-Gooseneck-Reefer (bu ucu ayni agirlikta), Aerodynamic, Chemical-Fuel (ikisi ayni agirlikta), Food-Log (ayni), Car Transporter, Cement, Cement Mixer, Opentop-Paneltrans (ayni) olmak uzere agirliklari degistirdim.
Sadece bu sitede yayimlanan 10/14 gece/gunduz modunu test ederken bu trailer'lari da kontrol ettim. Test sirasinda oyunun kendi kamyonlarini kullandim.
Volvo A Class'ta electronics (container) yuku tasidim. Arac duz yolda 107 km'ye kadar cikti. Uzun rampada 7.vitese kadar indim ve 65 km yapti. Volvo'nun 7. ve 8. vites araliklari hic hosuma gitmedi. Rampada zorluyor.
Ama esas onemli olan C sinifi kamyonlardi, Acaba trailer'i nasil cekecekti? Onu da Scania "C" Class ile test ettim. Uc farkli yuk tasidim.
Iste sonuclar:
Yuk : Car parts. Duz yolda 65 km yapiyor. Ama 4. vitese inerseniz zorlama ile 73 km'ye cikiyor.
Yuk : Iron pipes. Duz yolda 77 km. 4.viteste 92km.
Yuk : Forklifts (Flat bed yuku). Duz yolda 57 km. 4.viteste 67km.
Dikkat ederseniz rampa hizlarini yazmadim. Nasil mi cikiyorlar? Ikina ikina cikiyorlar... 35km civari.
Hizlar dusuk gelebilir ama emin olun en keyiflisi C sinifi kullanmakti. Hele mod haritalarda (v1.32 10.0 by Stiv) tek seritli yollarda ai trafik hizlari dusuk oldugundan onlari gecmek icin vites kucultmek ve sollama mesafesinin uzun olmasi cok zevkliydi. Ilk seferde gecemeyip kamyonun arkasina dustugunuzde vitesleri kucultup sonra hizlanmak iyiydi. Bu testlerde hic aklima gelmeyen bir sonuc daha aldim. Trailer agirliklari degisik oldugundan dolu depo ile menziliniz de degisiyor. Gerci onemli degil ama bir not olarak yazayim dedim. Simdi asil onemli noktaya geldim.
Trailer'ler agir olduguna gore mali zamaninda nasil teslim edeceksiniz?
Hemen not edin;
-Kullandiginiz mod haritayi ya da orjinal Base dosyasini win.rar ile acin, def klasorune girip economy_data.sii
dosyasini notepad ile acin ve su tanimi bulun. simulation_avg_speed: 80.0 Iste bu satir sizi fitik eden, yollarda yaris yapmaya zorlayan sikinti yaratan satirdir. Buradaki 80.0 sizin yol boyunca yapacaginiz ortalama hiz olarak hesaplanmis hizdir. Yuk teslim suresi bu hiza gore hesaplanir. Simdi bu hizi 40.0 olarak degistirin (Ben boyle yaptim, yolu rahat gidiyorum). Yapilan degisikligi "Depola" olarak kayit edin.
-Oyundaki vites ayarini manuel yapin. Yoksa rampada kalirsiniz. Direksiyon kullaniyorsaniz direksiyonun acceleration ve brake ayarlarinda dead zone olusturun. Yani en solda duran dugmeleri birazcik saga cekin. Boylece duz yolda Cruise Control "c" tusunu kullanabilirsiniz.
-Rar dosyasindan trailer_eu klasoru cikiyor. Buda sikistirilmis dosya, bunu bir kere daha acin ve mod haritanizin icine (eger icinde trailer_eu klasoru varsa) ya da orjinal Base dosyanizin icine koyun. Bunun icin Base'i win.rar ile acin. Vehicle klasorunun icindeki trailer_eu klasorunu surukleyerek disari alin, yada silin. Sonra bu trailer_eu klasorunu Base'in icine "depola" yontemi ile kayit edip Base'i kapatin.
Oyunu daha gercekci oynamak isteyenlere bu modu kesinlikle tavsiye ederim.

Bu mod dosyasi Turkiye'de sadece bu sitede yayimlanmistir. Turkiye'de baska sitelerde yayim izni bana ve sitesi yoneticilerine aittir.

Sakin, emniyetli ve keyifli yolculuklar dilerim.
Gercek hayatta trafik kurallarina uyun ve emniyet kemerinizi baglayin.

Az daha unutuyordum. Radyonuzu acin. Muzikle daha iyi.
Dear friends/visitors,
Especially with "A" class trucks, I haven't been have much tipsy because of their high speed as I driving. Although there is many trailers in GTS, their speed/performance haven't been changed for different type of cargos. It was a problem (at least for me, to solve it) and tried to work on related file. After spend short time, I changed all trailers weights. Each trailers have own weight. It became more realistic.
According to this:
-Flat bed is the most weighted trailer which has different type of cargo mods that most of them like trucks, bulldozer even a tank.
-Then overweight, Container-Gooseneck-Reefer (three of them have same weight), Aerodynamic, Chemical-Fuel (both of them have same weight), Food-Log (have same weight), Car Transporter, Cement, Cement Mixer, Opentop-Paneltrans (both of them have same weight). I changed their mass values.
-I tested this mod beside testing 10/14 night/day mod which I modified weather conditions mod (you may find this mod in our site). I used its own trucks for testing.
-I carried electronics (container) with Volvo "A" Class. It has reached 107km. on the straight road. By the long uphill, its speed decreased 65km. with 7th shift. Meanwhile I didn't like changing shift from 7 to 8. It is harding to go uphill. But the most important subject was what would be happen if you have "C" class truck? I tested it with Scania "C" class with three kind of cargo.
Here results:
-Cargo : Car parts : On the straight road 65km but shifted 4th gear, you may increase its speed up to 73km.
-Cargo : Iron pipes : On the straight road 77km but shifted 4th gear, you can reach up to 92km.
-Cargo : Forklifts (carried on the flat bed) : On the straight road 57km but shifted 4th gear, you can speed up to 67km. I may have your attention that I didn't write uphill speed. What are their speed? Yeah! you may overtake them if you are riding a scooter... around 35km.
I have had the most pleasure, taste by using "C" class trucks, although driving slow speed. Even using mod maps (here used v1.32 10.0 by Stiv), on the single roads, ai traffic speed is low. To overtake them, you should use lower gears to overtake them to increase speed. By this way overtake distance become more shorter. But if you cannot pass it, you should change lower gears and then shifting higher, it was very funny.
I have one result more which one, I had never thought that max distance become changeable according to type of cargo with full of tank. It is not important but I wanted to notice it. But here is the most important notice that how can we deliver our cargo on time before get penalty?
Please note:
Open your mod map or original Base file (I recommended to get a copy of them before modify) with win.rar then click def folder. Find economy_data.sii and open it with notepad. Go to this line : simulation_avg_speed: 80.0 Yeah! this is our headache, to try to deliver cargo within given time, GTS is calculating delivery time with this line. Please change your speed 40.0 (now you don't need to race with cars) then close file with "stock" click.
-Change transmission from auto to manuel otherwise you cannot "climb" to uphill.
-If you are using wheel, please create dead zone both acceleration and brake pedals. It provides use of Cruise Control "c" from keyboard on the straight road.
-I highly recommended players who want to play more realistic condition.

This mod modified by me (archibarbi) and released only in this forum in Turkey. You may download it for your personel archieve. Otherwise, you have to ask permission to me or forum authorities.

My other mods:
-10/14 Night/Day Mod - Turkish Touch
-I converted HQ 3 Mercedes Benz truck from ETS to GTS (pack).

You can find both mods in our forum only

Have a safe and nice trips.
In real life, obey traffic rules and fasten your seat belt.

Base data : SCS Software
Modified archibarbi

20ft Container ile Car Parts tasirken / Carrying Car Parts in the 20ft container

Flat bed ile Forklift tasirken / Carrying Forklifts on the Flat bed

::base files::
::scs files::

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